Favorite Lectures

I attended a number of interesting and educational talks throughout the semester. Three lectures, nevertheless, particularly stuck out to me as being intelligent and thought-provoking. These were the debates on Antigone, A Streetcar Named Desire, and "Hills Like White Elephants."

The topic of civil disobedience and the notion that it is occasionally important to stand up for what we believe in, even if it means breaking the law, were topics we covered during the lecture on Antigone. I learned from the conversation how crucial it is to speak up for what I believe in and how vital it is to occasionally challenge authority. I also learned more about the historical background of the play and the place of gender in ancient Greek culture.

We discussed the idea of illusion versus reality and how it is portrayed in the play in the A Streetcar Named Desire lecture. The conversation made it easier for me to comprehend the characters' goals and how their views of the world affected how they behaved. It also got me thinking about how my views of reality affect the choices and actions I do in my own life.

The issue of illusion versus reality and how it is portrayed in the play were discussed in the A Streetcar Named Desire lecture. The conversation made it clearer to me why the characters acted as they did and how their views of the world affected those views. Additionally, it got me thinking about how my own life and how my reality perception may affect my choices and actions.

In the lesson on "Hills Like White Elephants," we also covered the subject of miscommunication and the value of clear communication in interpersonal interactions. The conversation made me aware of how frequently we fail to communicate directly, even when it is required, and how this can result in miscommunication and conflict. Additionally highlighting the power relations between the two characters and how speech may be used as a tool for control, the story's use of oblique language.

Overall, these lectures gave me insightful knowledge of the issues and ideas covered in each work. They pushed me to reflect critically on the authors' messages and how they applied to modern life. The conversations also aided me in deepening my comprehension of literary works and how they affect how we perceive the world.


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